Help With Your Response To Bad Faith Insurance Practices

Insurance, whether it is for valuable assets, motor vehicles or health coverage, is considered a safety net that will be there in times of need. Unfortunately, people discover too often that insurance companies promise one thing and provide something completely different. They are in business to make a profit, which often leads to them undervaluing a valid claim or denying it completely.

You do not have to take an insurance company’s decision as a final verdict. At Jontiff & Jontiff in Miami, we help individuals and businesses stand up to insurance providers when they are acting in bad faith. Our attorneys understand the tactics that insurance companies use to minimize payouts or deny valid claims, and we aggressively pursue the full amount our clients deserve through civil lawsuits.

Representing Clients In All Types Of Insurance Disputes

We represent clients in a wide range of insurance disputes, including:

  • Business losses

  • Auto or other motor vehicle insurance disputes

  • Personal injury lawsuits

  • Health insurance coverage

  • Life insurance disputes

The insurance companies employ teams of lawyers who work to minimize the amount that is paid out in claims. It is important to enlist the representation of experienced insurance dispute attorneys who know how to fight for your rights and recover what you are owed.

What Bad Faith Insurance Practices Look Like

Several actions on the part of an insurance company may qualify as bad faith tactics. The most obvious examples are wrongfully denying a valid claim or significantly undervaluing a claim. Less common examples of bad faith insurance include:

  • Denying a claim without conducting a proper investigation

  • Delaying payment of a claim without proper cause

  • Failure to acknowledge receipt of a claim or reply in a timely fashion

  • Failure to provide a reasonable explanation for denying a claim

  • Making changes to a claim without proper consent from a policyholder

  • Canceling a claim without cause or without notifying the policyholder

Do Not Take On Insurance Companies Alone

Insurance companies tackle these disputes every day. You can battle them on your own, but it makes better sense to enlist the help of experienced bad faith insurance lawyers like ourselves to help you in your fight for what is right. We know how to build strong cases that get results.

If it is possible to prove the insurance company is acting in bad faith, you may be able to recover the full amount you deserve as well as damages and attorney fees. Our goal is always to put more money in your pocket than you would recover without us, even after our attorney fee is paid. And remember, we only get paid if we help you obtain a recovery.

Call 305-674-1099 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation. We represent clients throughout Florida.